Multiplying Your Confidence

Multiplying Your Confidence

In the name of Almighty, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace, Mercy & Blessings of Almighty be upon you.

Source of All

Almighty wants us to be a person full of humble confidence.

We can multiply our humble confidence by always doing the right thing.

When we always humbly do the right and godly thing we are always 100 per cent sure of what we are doing.

Multiplying Your Confidence

We can multiply our humble confidence by only doing what is godly because we know inwardly, deep down; the godly way is the right way without any question or doubt.

In always living a humble godly life there is a surety about most of life and in this surety we always know, we never question, and we never doubt.

In some of the human secular areas of life we have doubts, but in the spiritual areas of life, in the areas of life dealing with the love and Almighty’s grace, we need never doubt.

We need never doubt Almighty loves us more than we can express.

We need never doubt we are right in putting others before ourselves. We need never doubt when we are humble, kind, caring and forgiving.

We can have complete humble confidence in knowing we are right in being a person of Almighty’s love and always knowing forgiveness is best.

In any circumstance we can have total and complete confidence we are always right to pray, to love, to forgive, to create, to bless, to change, to hope, and to be humble. In Almighty and in doing Almighty’s will we can multiply our confidence.

Please pray for peace in the world, I pray for you each day In Almighty’s love & grace. Our Lord The Merciful, we love you.

We are grateful for the wonders of Mother Nature. Our words cannot express our thankfulness and gratitude for what you have done for us all the days of our life, to you we give thanks, glory, and honor this hour. In your love and grace, please help us start a new day with your mercy. Aameen.

We will trust, we will trust, we will trust … in You Lord, You know what the best is for each & everyone of us. Not our will be done, but let only Your will be done Lord in our lives.

Thank you for Your protection even when we don’t realize it!!!

Enjoy Almighty’s Blessings & Relax!

Nadeem Zaigham
All praise be to Almighty, whose humble servants we are.

In the name of Almighty, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace, Mercy & Blessings of Almighty be upon you.

Source of All
There is a growing power within from the Source of All. Find the power to live, laugh, love, worship, grow & achieve. Awaken, open, receive and share with others. A world transformed by love is dawning.
Let your light shine…in Almighty we trust.
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